About Me

Hi, My Name is Quinn McMillian (she/her)…

I came across Intuitive Eating on my own self-healing journey and immediately felt a calling to learn and practice the 10 principles.

We are all born as Intuitive Eaters, but through diet culture and the effect that our society has on all of us, we can lose that intuition.

After countless years of self-silencing, I was ready to reconnect with myself.

I no longer have anxiety when I eat, I know how to listen to my hunger and fullness cues, and I feel satisfied after eating.

I believe that it is important to listen and trust your body.

My coaching style is nonjudgemental and I remind you to be gentle on yourself.

I consider myself to be intersectional and focused on advocacy so that all bodies feel safe and welcome on this planet.

I believe that I can be the person to make you feel heard and supported on your journey to ditch diet culture and relearn how to be an intuitive eater who is connected with their body.

I’d love to help guide you to reconnect with yourself. Book a free consultation to see how. 


Examples of What I Could Help You Work Through
Are you…


wanting to ditch diet culture?


wanting to work on body trust?

wanting to reduce your anxiety around food?


wanting to find joy in moving your body?

tired of feeling guilt and shame after you eat foods you enjoy?


looking for ways to incorporate gentle nutrition?

wanting to learn how to feel your hunger and fullness, to stop eating past fullness?


Plus much more! Schedule a free consultation with me to find out more about what I could help you with.

Interested? LET’S CHAT.

Have questions or want to know more? Email me at feelandhealwithme@gmail.com